HA nie moge dodac u...
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Pytanie HA nie moge dodac urzadzeń

2 Wpisów
1 Użytkownicy
0 Reactions
634 Wyświetleń
Wpisów: 15
Autor tematu

Witam, jestem świeży w temacie HA. Zainstalowany na Virtualbox, do zwave używam ZST39 Zoom 800. Urządzenie jest wykrywane przez HA, wydaje się ze wszystko jest ok. Probuje dodac różne urządzenia od Fibaro i nie tylko ale zupełnie nic się nie dzieje podczas dodawania.

Pytanie co zrobiłem źle? Może przenieść się na OH...

Kilka screenow z ustawień.


2023-08-01T18:28:03.829Z CNTRLR   querying version info...
2023-08-01T18:28:03.841Z CNTRLR   received version info:
                                    controller type: Bridge Controller
                                    library version: Z-Wave 7.19
2023-08-01T18:28:03.842Z CNTRLR   querying protocol version info...
2023-08-01T18:28:03.856Z CNTRLR   received protocol version info:
                                    protocol type:             Z-Wave
                                    protocol version:          7.19.3
                                    appl. framework build no.: 215
                                    git commit hash:           30303030303030303030303030303030
2023-08-01T18:28:03.857Z CNTRLR   supported Z-Wave features: 
                                    · SmartStart
2023-08-01T18:28:03.857Z CNTRLR   querying controller capabilities...
2023-08-01T18:28:03.867Z CNTRLR   received controller capabilities:
                                    controller role:      primary
                                    is the SUC:           true
                                    started this network: true
                                    SIS is present:       true
                                    was real primary:     true
2023-08-01T18:28:03.867Z CNTRLR   querying serial API setup capabilities...
2023-08-01T18:28:03.886Z CNTRLR   supported serial API setup commands:
                                  · GetSupportedCommands
                                  · SetTxStatusReport
                                  · SetLRMaximumTxPower
                                  · SetPowerlevel
                                  · GetLRMaximumTxPower
                                  · GetPowerlevel
                                  · GetMaximumPayloadSize
                                  · GetLRMaximumPayloadSize
                                  · SetPowerlevel16Bit
                                  · GetPowerlevel16Bit
                                  · GetRFRegion
                                  · SetRFRegion
                                  · SetNodeIDType
2023-08-01T18:28:03.887Z CNTRLR   Enabling TX status report...
2023-08-01T18:28:03.899Z CNTRLR   Enabling TX status report successful...
2023-08-01T18:28:03.899Z CNTRLR   Querying configured RF region...
2023-08-01T18:28:03.909Z CNTRLR   The controller is using RF region USA (Long Range)
2023-08-01T18:28:03.909Z CNTRLR   finding SUC...
2023-08-01T18:28:03.919Z CNTRLR   This is the SUC
2023-08-01T18:28:03.919Z CNTRLR   querying additional controller information...
2023-08-01T18:28:03.931Z CNTRLR   received additional controller information:
                                    Z-Wave API version:         1 (official)
                                    Z-Wave chip type:           EFR32ZG23 / ZGM230S
                                    node type                   Controller
                                    controller role:            primary
                                    controller is the SIS:      true
                                    controller supports timers: false
                                    nodes in the network:       1
2023-08-01T18:28:03.952Z CNTRLR   [Node 001] Embedded device config loaded
2023-08-01T18:28:03.960Z CNTRLR   Interview completed
Starting server on
2023-08-01T18:28:03.976Z CNTRLR   [Node 001] The node is alive.
2023-08-01T18:28:03.977Z CNTRLR   [Node 001] The node is ready to be used
2023-08-01T18:28:03.978Z CNTRLR   All nodes are ready to be used
ZwaveJS server listening on
New client
2023-08-01T19:06:01.726Z CNTRLR   Starting inclusion process with strategy Default...
2023-08-01T19:06:01.750Z CNTRLR   The controller is now ready to add nodes
2023-08-01T19:07:32.190Z CNTRLR   stopping inclusion process...
2023-08-01T19:07:32.212Z CNTRLR   The inclusion process was stopped
2023-08-01T19:10:19.982Z CNTRLR   Starting inclusion process with strategy Default...
2023-08-01T19:10:19.996Z CNTRLR   The controller is now ready to add nodes
2023-08-01T19:11:41.083Z CNTRLR   stopping inclusion process...
2023-08-01T19:11:41.118Z CNTRLR   The inclusion process was stopped
2023-08-01T19:12:15.051Z CNTRLR   Starting inclusion process with strategy Default...
2023-08-01T19:12:15.081Z CNTRLR   The controller is now ready to add nodes
2023-08-01T19:15:32.081Z CNTRLR   stopping inclusion process...
Dodane : 01/08/2023 8:27 pm
Wpisów: 15
Autor tematu

Problem rozwiazany, problemem okazał sie zły firmware w ZST39. Support pomógł ogarnąć temat.

Czy ktoś wie jak zresetować licznik dsb09104?

Dodane : 02/08/2023 10:03 pm