DarkSky API tylko d...
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Domoticz DarkSky API tylko do końca 2021 - Domoticz/Dashticz

2 Wpisów
2 Użytkownicy
0 Reactions
1,333 Wyświetleń
Wpisów: 540
Ekspert Patron Strony Donator 2K19, Donator 2K20, Donator 2K21, Donator 2K22, Donator 2K24, Donator 2K25
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Hi there,
We have some important news to share: Dark Sky has joined Apple. You can read more here: https://blog.darksky.net.

The self-service API for existing customers is not changing today, but we will no longer accept new signups. The API will continue to function through the end of 2021.

Use of the API service is subject to the updated Dark Sky Terms and Conditions, including the Apple Privacy Policy ("Terms"). By continuing to use the API service, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms.
If you have any questions, please contact us at developer@darksky.net.

- The Dark Sky Team

Dodane : 02/04/2020 6:35 am
Wpisów: 210
Pomocny Donator 2K22

Mamy jakieś inne (najlepiej darmowe) alternatywy? W sumie to zależy mi przede wszystkim na temperaturze i sumie opadów.

Dodane : 19/03/2021 10:34 am