ESPHome + pipsolar,...
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Home Assistant ESP32 ESPHome + pipsolar, błąd odczytu QPIGS

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wszystko śmiga tylko problem z parsowaniem odpowiedzi na QPIGS 

Sending polling command : QPIGS with length 5
17:59:04	[D]	[uart_debug:114]	
>>> 51:50:49:47:53:B7:A9:0D
17:59:05	[D]	[uart_debug:114]	
<<< 28:32:31:37:2E:31:20:35:30:2E:30:20:32:31:37:2E:31:20:35:30:2E:30:20:30:31:39:35:20:30:31:38:31:20:30:30:33:20:32:39:39:20:30:30:2E:34:30:20:30:30:30:20:30:30:30:20:30:30:32:30:20:30:30:2E:30:20:30:30:30:2E:30:20:30:30:2E:30:30:20:30:30:30:30:30:20:30:30:30:31:30:30:30:30:20:30:30:20:30:30:20:30:30:30:30:30:20:30:31:30:20:30:20:30:31:20:30:30:30:30:44:E3:0D
17:59:05	[VV	][scheduler:226]	
Running interval 'update' with interval=1000 last_execution=5664057 (now=5665057)
17:59:06	[VV	][scheduler:226]	
Running interval 'update' with interval=1000 last_execution=5665057 (now=5666061)
17:59:07	[VV	][scheduler:226]	
Running interval 'update' with interval=1000 last_execution=5666057 (now=5667057)
17:59:08	[VV	][scheduler:226]	
Running interval 'update' with interval=1000 last_execution=5667057 (now=5668062)
17:59:09	[VV	][scheduler:226]	
Running interval '' with interval=10000 last_execution=5658901 (now=5668901)
17:59:09	[VV	][scheduler:226]	
Running interval 'update' with interval=1000 last_execution=5668057 (now=5669057)
17:59:09	[D]	[pipsolar:759]	
timeout command to poll: QPIGS
17:59:09	[D]	[pipsolar:842]	

przekroczony czas raczej wynika z przekroczeniem czasu biblioteki pipsolar a nie odczytem z portu który wygląda poprawnie.


Analiza QPIGS

(217.1 50.0 217.1 50.0 0195 0181 003 299 00.40 000 000 0020 00.0 000.0 00.00 00000 01 0 01 0000D)

Podział na pola (przykład):

  1. Grid voltage: 217.1
  2. Grid frequency: 50.0
  3. AC output voltage: 217.1
  4. AC output frequency: 50.0
  5. AC output apparent power: 0195
  6. AC output active power: 0181
  7. Output load percent: 003
  8. Bus voltage: 299
  9. Battery voltage: 00.40
  10. Battery charging current: 000
  11. Battery capacity: 000
  12. Inverter heat sink temperature: 0020
  13. PV input current: 00.0
  14. PV input voltage: 000.0
  15. SCC battery voltage: 00.00
  16. Battery discharge current: 00000
  17. Flags (b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0): 01 0 01
  18. Extra: 0000D

Miał ktoś podobny problem? O co to może chodzić?

Dodane : 04/12/2024 8:04 pm