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[Tutorial] Openhab binding broadlink

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Działająca wersja binding'u na OH 2.5

Dodane : 23/12/2019 12:48 pm
Wpisów: 4

Cześć, czy komuś udało się spiąć OpenHab 3 z Broadlink RM4 Pro? Ja coś dziś kombinowałem ale bez powodzenia.

Dodane : 18/12/2021 1:03 am
Wpisów: 4
Dodane przez: @lukasz2

Cześć, czy komuś udało się spiąć OpenHab 3 z Broadlink RM4 Pro? Ja coś dziś kombinowałem ale bez powodzenia.

Yes, I'm using the RM4 Pro with OpenHAB 3.1.
Read this thread for details how to install and use the Broadlink binding:


Dodane : 18/12/2021 1:40 am
adrian reacted
Wpisów: 4


I've seen this thread before but there are 1472 messages in there ... no chance I'm reading all of this.

I read the first few messages and a link appears there:
but from what i understand it's only for IR. I am more interested in RF.

What's the story about you? Do you speak polish? If so, why are you answering in English?

Dodane : 18/12/2021 5:23 pm
Wpisów: 4


I don’t speak Polish (I used google translate). 
I’m using the RM4 Pro with OpenHAB to control RF devices.

Dodane : 18/12/2021 5:27 pm
Wpisów: 4


I have both BlackBeanControl and python-broadlink installed. I made the appropriate configuration in BlackBeanControl.ini:

IPAddress =
Port = 80
MACAddress = 12: DF: A5: FB: B2: 98
Timeout = 30

but I don't know what to do next. I tried to run the following but it crashes with some errors:

openhabian@openhabian:~/BlackBeanControl $ python BlackBeanControl.py -c test1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "BlackBeanControl.py", line 3, in <module>
    import broadlink, configparser
  File "/home/openhabian/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/broadlink/__init__.py", line 167
    dev_type: int,
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
openhabian@openhabian:~/BlackBeanControl $ python3 BlackBeanControl.py -c test1
  File "BlackBeanControl.py", line 197
    if (len(SentCommand) <> 8) or (not all(c in string.hexdigits for c in SentCommand)):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
openhabian@openhabian:~/BlackBeanControl $

Any advice?

Dodane : 19/12/2021 12:50 am
Wpisów: 4


To be honest, I configured my RM4 Pro almost 2 years ago, so I don't remember all the steps I took. I'm also not a developer, so I don't really understand the error messages you got.

I suggest you go over the following steps/questions and check you did everything:

1. since you are not going to use any IR codes, then remove BlackBeanControl from your system. No need to keep something problematic you are not going to use anyway.

2. did you copy the latest Broadlink binding jar file into OpenHAB's Addons folder? If I'm not mistaken, the latest binding version is 3.2.

3. did you learn your RF codes?

4. did you create a broadlink.map file including your RF codes and placed the file in OpenHAB's Transform folder?

5. did you add your broadlink device as a Thing in OpenHAB and configured it with your device's IP/MAC address and the Map file name?

6. did you create a Command Item for the broadlink device in OpenHAB?



Dodane : 19/12/2021 9:04 am
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