--Ponizej poprawiony kod ktory trzeba zamienic , jeżeli nie zmieniono nic w skrypcie to bedzie to wiersz 412 log(domoticz,' --------------------------------------------------------------------------') if (temp_current >= switchOffTemp and domoticz.devices(devHEAT).state == 'On') then log(domoticz,' The boilers reaction to new settings (or calling the conservator by a temp.): ') log(domoticz,' --------------------------------------------------------------------------') log(domoticz,' > 24. Target temperature reached, Status => off') domoticz.devices(devHEAT).switchOff() end if (temp_current <= switchOnTemp and domoticz.devices(devHEAT).state == 'Off') then log(domoticz,'Boiler response to new settings (or calling the sensor by the temperature sensor): ') log(domoticz,' --------------------------------------------------------------------------') domoticz.devices(devHEAT).switchOn() log(domoticz,' > 25. Heating is needed, Status => on') end -- contentet of text info local text_content = stateworkMODE ..' '..stateworkHEAT..descriptionPrefix..temp_set..descriptionSufix updateTextInfoDevice(domoticz, text_content) log(domoticz,' > 23. I set the info about the work status on: [' .. text_content .. ']') log(domoticz,' ************************************************************************** ') log(domoticz,'') end } --======================================================= -- end of script --========================================================